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Straight Razor vs. Safety Razor

by Zack Evar |

Both straight razors and safety razors have been serving men for years centuries and they are both capable of giving a great shave however, they require different approach in order to operate them. Nowadays, most of the men are now using cartridge razors or disposable razors, but there is still a number of men who prefer using traditional ones. The question of which tool is better will surely spark heated debate as the user of both razors will insist that their method is better. This article will help you understand more about these popular shaving tools.

First, let’s talk about safety razors. Safety razors are what cartridge razors and disposable razors are based upon. They are known as safety razors because there is a cap covering the blade above and safety bar below the blade. This tool functions, protruding only a small amount of the blade that can only contact the skin at a given angle. This makes the shaving easier and safer to handle and use than the straight razor. The safety razor is great for shaving beginners or men with unsteady hands. Compared to the commercial disposable razors available in the market, safety razors are also much cheaper. A single double-edged blade for your safety razor costs way less than the disposable razor and this double-edged blade often last longer than a disposable razor. If you will sum it all up, of course, you’ll save more on each shave with safety razors. This grooming tool can last a long time if it’s properly maintained.

On the other hand, straight razors are shaving tools that can literally last a lifetime. If we are talking about the long term cost, this tool will surely have the lowest. But with such long term savings require much more maintenance than the safety razor. Since the straight razor comes with one blade, you will need to replace the whole unit once it ever gets damaged. This single blade requires honing and sharpening regularly. It might take a lot of time and skill to re-sharp the blade. When it comes to shaving, the straight razor’s long and wide blade allows the user to shave off a wider portion of the facial hair in a few strokes. The razor’s design also allows the user to use the blade at a variety of angles. The downside is that you can’t expect to master the straight razor within a single use. Instead, you’ll be needing several attempts before you master the technique. Perfecting the shaving technique in straight razor requires a longer learning curve to master.

There is no real winner on which razor is better as both have their pros and cons and you can’t go wrong with either. It will always come down to your preferences and what provides better when it comes to your shaving needs. Whichever type of razor you pick, keep in mind to get the high-quality ones so that you’ll have an easy and comfortable shaving experience. You may try to pick up one, use it for a while and then switch to the other. See what you will prefer better.

 Author – Edward Cruz is a staff writer for, a website that provides the latest promotional codes, exclusive sales and offers for all of the top stores in the U.S.

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